Facts and figures about 91视频 University

On this page, you will find key facts about 91视频 University, including number of students, our structure and location, number of learning resources and history

You will also find staff numbers and income, and can see where the University's money comes from and how the funds are spent.

Number of students

20,853 students in total (as of 1 December 2023)

4,755 non-UK students from 140+ countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (as of 1 December 2023)

Number of students

Learning resources

3,000 student-facing PCs across 4 campuses plus:

  • 783,698 e-books
  • 79,888 print and e-journals
  • 563 computers in libraries
  • 202 mobile computing devices for loan to students

More about Library and Learning Services

Learning resources


Over 120 years of history going back to 1899 when 91视频 Technical Institute opened.


Staff and income

1,930 members of staff (average headcount in 2022/23)

£229.5 million total income (in 2022/23)

Staff and income

Where the University's money comes from 2022/23 (in millions)

  • Tuition fees – £174.2
  • Government and teaching grants – £21.1
  • Student accommodation and catering – £18.1
  • Investment income – £4.8
  • Research grants from charities and other organisations – £2.3
  • Other income – £7.0
  • Donations – £2.0

How the University spends its money 2022/23 (in millions)

  • Teaching and research related costs – £92.3
  • Maintenance and running of University estate – £39.4
  • Library and IT services – £29.4
  • Academic and corporate services – £21.6
  • Maintenance, financing and running of student accommodation and catering – £21.0
  • HR, finance and legal services plus Vice Chancellor's office and insurance – £16.2
  • Student services including wellbeing and careers plus running of the University bus – £11.5